Thursday, March 29, 2007

As I start this Journey....

I composed a list of questions that I need to ask myself (and others) as I enter and explore the world of blogging. The list is not exhaustive by any means.

1. What will readers of my blog value about my posts?
2. Is blogging suited for all disciplines?
3. What disciplines could be highly enhanced by blogging? Why?
4. What disciplines would be least likely to adopt blogging? Why?
5. What parameters should be implemented in order to get the most out of class blogs?

6. What are the Top Five (pedagogical) reasons for blogging?
7. How does anyone ever have time to keep up with blogging activities?

Ready or not, the medium continues to grow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Let's Start at the very Beginning

Why Blog?

...This could be an important question in the minds of individuals getting their feet wet in the the world of blogging. I may be one of them! What have I learned so far? Blogging is fun and a means to document one's thoughts...from the simple to the most complex ...and a whole lot more. It may be time-consuming to post information on a daily basis, especially if one has other means for doing the same elsewhere. But, blogging is portable and that's significant. The question can isntructors use blogging to enhance learning? I don't know...yet. Is it convenient for students who have to leave the familiar Course Management System or e-mail to access a blog?

These are my initial be continued...